The Ten Commandments of Self-Presentation: Image Management as a Cornerstone of Success!

            Whether they know it or not, everyone in your organization is a salesperson. They create, package, distribute, and promote ideas; they interact with internal and external customers; they sell themselves and your company each and every day! Being aware of the fundamentals of self-presentation, winning the battle of first impressions, making an original, uncanned presentation to wow your boss, co-workers and customers, and handling objections in a confident, effective manner is something that everyone in an organization should be able to do at the drop of a hat!

         Your people are ambassadors; they represent you and your company to everyone they come in contact with.  Don't leave others' perceptions and expectations to chance; shape and manage them effectively because they'll make a difference in all your personal and professional pursuits!  The Ten Commandments of Self-Presentation will help you dare to be different in the way you present yourself in verbal and written communications, and show you how self-presentation become the cornerstone of productivity, fulfillment, and success in every aspect of your life!